uplinks:: API
tags:: #lang/en #type/term


  • An API specification (description format) for REST APIs
  • Forrmerly known as Swagger Specification
  • Used to describe
    • Available endpoints and its operations — POST /users
    • Operation parameters — Input and Output
    • Authentication methods
    • Contact information, license, ToS, etc.


  • Written in YAML or JSON
  • All keyword names are case-sensitive.
  • Basic Structure
    • Metadata
    • Servers — API Server Base Url
    • Paths — API endpoints
      • Parameters
      • Request Body
      • Responses
    • Components — Define common data structures used in API
      • Prevent duplication
      • Reference via $ref whenever a schema is required
    • Authentication
      • HTTP Authentication — Basic, Bearer
      • API key
      • OAuth 2
      • OpenID

Why use OpenAPI ?

Tools to ease the development of APIs
