uplinks:: IPFS
tags:: #lang/en #type/howto

Configure an IPFS Node


  • A peer address is represented in the multiaddr format
  • The peer address points to an IPFS node

Bootstrap List

A list of ipfs nodes to connect to on launch


ipfs bootstrap list # list all bootstrap nodes
ipfs bootstrap add [<peer>] # add peers to bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap rm [<peer>] # remove peers from bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap rm --all # remove all
ipfs bootstrap add --default # use default list

Save and reload

ipfs bootstrap list > save1 # save to file
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
cat save2 | ipfs bootstrap add # reload

Configuration File


  • An array of addresses (multiaddr netmasks) to not dial.
  • The configured IPPS node will not connect to these addresses.
  • Use this to prevent certain peers from connecting


  • The configured node will listen on these addresses for p2p swarm connections

Addresses.Announce / Addresses.NoAnnounce

  • Filter > Addresses Swarm
  • Peers will not see the unannounced swarm addresses, unless it is explicity added in the peer's bootstrap list
    • ipfs swarm addrs


  • Containts the default settings for an IPFS Node

To apply a profile

ipfs config profile apply <profile>

Available profiles

  • default-datastore
    • flatfs
  • server
    • Disables local host (LAN) discovery — set Swarm.AddrFilters
    • Disable automatic NAT port forwarding
    • Disable MDNS
    • Add LAN addresses to Addresses.NoAnnounce
  • local-discovery
    • Allow discovery in local networks — Swarm.AddrFilters
    • Enable automatic NAT port forwarding
    • Enable MDNS
    • Empty Addresses.NoAnnounce
  • randomports
    • Use random port number for swarm
  • test
  • default-networking
    • Use default Bootstrap list
    • Inverse profile of the test profile
  • lowpower


  1. https://docs.ipfs.io/how-to/configure-node/