uplinks:: Filecoin
tags:: #lang/en #type/source

Filecoin in Year One - Then and Now

  • One of the largest data storage networks on the planet
    • As of October 23, 2021, roughly the size of Google Cloud in 2018
  • The cheapest large scale storage network in the world
  • Network storage capacity — 20x in the past year
  • Chain bandwidth — Hyperdrive, SnarkPack
  • Network Securing Implementations
    • Lotus (Official)
    • Venus
    • Forest
  • Filecoin upgrades — 20 FIPs by 33 people
  • Storage Costs & Accessbility
    • Filecoin Plus
    • Filecoin Reptuation System
    • Indexing
      • Make all the data in Filecoin retrievable from any node or Gateway in the IPFS network
  • Developer on-ramps
    • NFT.storage
      • A hosted service for NFT storage, addressed by IPFS & backed up in Filecoin
      • 6.7M NFTs
      • 6.6K users
      • 40TB of NFTs
      • Used by most major NFT platforms
        • e.g. OpenSea, Foundation, Palm, OneOf, Zora, MakersPlace, Gala Games
    • Web3.storage
      • A hosted service to store web3-scale data on Filecoin, with simple developer-friendly APIs
    • Estuary
      • A new kind of IPFS-Filecoin node for medium-large data storage on Filecoin
  • Textile's Filecoin Storage bridges to NEAR, Polygon and ethereum
  • Filecoin <-> Web3 cross-chain bridges
  • Apps & Tools
    • slate, fleek, Powergate v2.0
  • Upcoming
    • SnapDeals — Easier for storage providers to take large deals
    • FVM - Adding EVM smart contract to Filecoin Network
    • Turing Complete SNARKs via Recursive Computation


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uya0C_lMSuY