
Monero Ring Signature Stealth Address References See Also


Natural Number

uplinks:: Number Theory tags:: #lang/en #type/term Natural Number Natural numbers are numbers used for counting and ordering Some definitions include 0 as a natural number, and some don't In ISO 80000-2, natural numbers are non-negative integers In other contexts, natural numbers are positive integ…

Natural Number

Number Theory

uplinks:: Mathematics tags:: #lang/en #type/term Number Theory A branch of pure mathematics devoted to the study of the natural numbers and the integers Arithmetic Modular Arithmetic Natural Number Prime Number References See Also

Number Theory

Numeral System

uplinks:: Mathematics tags:: #lang/en Numeral System A writing system for expressing numbers References See Also

Numeral System

OpenSea NFT Marketplace

uplinks:: NFT tags:: #lang/en OpenSea NFT Marketplace References See Also

OpenSea NFT Marketplace

P versus NP Problem

uplinks:: Computer Science tags:: #lang/en #note/develop P versus NP Problem A major unsolved problem in computer science : all decision problems that can be solved by a deterministic Turing machine using a polynomial amount of computation time, or polynomial time : all decision problems whose answ…

P versus NP Problem

Pairing (mathematics)

uplinks:: Linear Algebra Cryptography tags:: #type/term #lang/en #note/empty Pairing (mathematics) References See Also

Pairing (mathematics)

Point at Infinity (EC)

uplinks:: Elliptic Curve tags:: #lang/en #type/term Point at Infinity (EC) Vertical lines have no third intersection point with elliptic curve , we call this idealized intersection point "Point at Infinity", represented as , meaning the point at the "end" of each line References See Also

Point at Infinity (EC)

Polkadot Accounts

uplinks:: Polkadot tags:: #lang/en #type/term Polkadot Accounts Subkey and Polkadot-JS based wallets use the BIP39 dictionary for mnemonic generation, but use the entropy byte array to generate the private key, while full BIP39 wallets (like Ledger) use 2048 rounds of PBKDF2 on the mnemonic.The sam…

Polkadot Accounts

Popular Blockchain Wallets

Popular Blockchain Wallets metamask imtoken References See Also

Popular Blockchain Wallets