Post-quantum Cryptography

uplinks:: Cryptography tags:: #type/term #lang/en Post-quantum Cryptography Post-quantum Cryptography refers to cryptographic algorithms that are thought to be secured against a cryptanalytic attack by a quantum computer References See Also

Post-quantum Cryptography

Prime Number

uplinks:: Number Theory tags:: #lang/en #type/term Prime Number A Natural Number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. References See Also

Prime Number

Probability of someone generating the same private key

uplinks:: Probability Public-key Cryptography tags:: #lang/en #type/faq Probability of someone generating the same private key Assuming that the private Key Space is bits long, a total of private keys can be generated. Therefore, the probabiity of someone generating the exact private key equals t…

Probability of someone generating the same private key


uplinks:: Applied Mathematics tags:: #lang/en #type/term Probability A branch of mathematics concerned with finding out the likelihood of the occurence of an event. Examples Coin Flip Probability Dice Roll Probability Probability of someone generating the same private key References See Also



uplinks:: Privacy tags:: #lang/en #note/empty #type/term Pseudonymous References See Also Anonymous


Public-key Cryptography

uplinks:: Cryptography tags:: #lang/en #type/term Public-key Cryptography Public-key cryptography is a cryptographic system that uses pairs of mathematically related keys called a private key and a public key. Private keys are private — no one except its owner should know them. Public keys are publ…

Public-key Cryptography

Public-key Encryption

uplinks:: Public-key Cryptography tags:: #type/term #lang/en Public-key Encryption Allows for Secure Communication of information without needing an initial secure channel for transferring keys. The ElGamal public key encryption algorithm is based on the discrete logarithm problem and is closely re…

Public-key Encryption

Satoshi Nakamoto

uplinks:: People tags:: #lang/en #type/people Satoshi Nakamoto The pseudonym of the creator of Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto

Secure Communication

uplinks:: Cryptography tags:: #lang/en Secure Communication Before Public-key Cryptography existed, there is a need for a secure channel for key delivery before encrypted messages can be exchanged over an insecure channel. Public-key Cryptography allows for secure communication without needing a se…

Secure Communication

Set (mathematics)

uplinks:: Set Theory tags:: #lang/en #type/term Set (mathematics) A set is a collection of elements An element can be any mathematical objects: numbers, symbols, points in space, lines, other geometrical shapes, variables, or other sets References See…

Set (mathematics)